What Precaution Should Be Taken Before Dyeing a Garments?
Garments made from cotton grey fabric are dyed in garments with the garments dyeing machine. Before garments dyeing some precautions are needed to avoid dyeing problems that may occur during garments dyeing.The precautions of Garment Dyeing are discussed below:
1. Garments design should be made from engineering point of view.2. if garmet is made after desizing, scouring and bleaching of grey fabrics and then dyed in garments form, then the possibility of problems will be reduced,
3. if possible, garments should be made from the grey fabrics of the same lot and same source.
4. the seams should not be too tight or too loose especiallu in the areas containing elastic like waistband, cuff aetc which may create irregular dye penetration resulting irregular dyeing.
5. the garmens which are produced from woven and knitted fabrics combindly, he knit fabric should be pre-shrunked, otherwise seam pucker may develop after garments dyeing.
6. if the garment fabric is of mixed fibres, during gaments dyeing, dye selection should be done carefully, having equqal dye pick up to avoid irregular dyeing.
7. poor quality metals should bot be used as accessories in the garments, which may vbe damaged duing dyeing by the action of salt and alkali. If any metal component is used in the garments should be made from nickel or its alloy.
8. sewing thread used for making the garment should be of same fibre like the garment fabric, other43wise colour difference may occur between garments fabric and sewing thread.
9. button used in the garments should be selected carefully. Buttons made from casin, cellulose, mylon etc. may be damaged during garments dyeing but polyester button is safe in this project.
10. if elastic is used in the garments and the elastic is made from natural rubber of polyurethance fibre like lycrea amy create problelm during garments dyeing. To avoid such problem dye should be selected made of copper free. During bleaching, polyurethance fibres may be damaged by the chlorine. Polyester type elastomeric fibre is safe in peroxide bleaching.
11. interlining is used in most garments. Only those interlinings should be sed in the garments to be dyed only recommended for garments dyeing, otherwise the performance of interlining may be destroyed.
12. the garments made from compactly woven cotton fabric should be dyed with hot brand reactive dyes, otherwise problem of irregular dye penetration may occur.
13. for some specific colour, if specific dyes are dused then the dyeing cost will be lower. For example, navy blue and black colour could be procuce in the garments by using sulpher dyes at lower cost.
14. presence of mineral impurities in the cotton fibres may vary which may impede the stability of peroxide liquor during bleaching with bydrogen peroxide. Even insoluble compounds may form during hydrogen peroxide bleaching. Those insoluble compounds may redposit on chemicals are available to avoid such problem.
15. Crease marks may develop in the cotton garments during dyeing. To avoid such problem, special chemicals like “Imacol Brand” may be used.
Why Garments Dyeing is more benefited?
1. Comparatively lower cost of production for any item of any color and shade.
2. Comparatively less time is required to produce and supply garments.
3. No possibility of shade variation within the garments.
4. Small lots of different items could be produced at lower cost within less time.
5. Old garments could be redyed hence, becomes like new garments.
6. Desizing , scouring, bleaching, dyeing and finishing could be done n he same machine.
7. Comparatively lower capital investment cost to set up a garments dyeing project.
8. In some cases, lower liquor ration in garments dyeing requires lower water, steam and chemical consumption, hence lower garments dyeing cost.
9. During fabric cutting approximately 15% fabric is cut out as wastage, if this 15% fabric is cut out as rey fabric rather than coloured fabric. Then the wastage cost will be saved.
You can consider these steps to be evaluate before making any decision of dyeing. Hope, garment dyeing will be rock to you.
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i want to know what is a overlaid seam!!!!!