Neps in Textiles | Classification of Neps & Neps Count
Neps is the mostly discussed textile yarn, fiber & fabric faults. In Today’s textile class I will give some basic idea about neps in textile raw materials and it’s type with count.
Definition of Neps
Neps may be considered as small tight balls of entangled fibers which lead to the downgrading or yarn and fabric. The cross-sectional size of neps is + 140% to +400% of normal yarn and its fault length is 1 mm.Classification of Neps
For cotton fiber; there are five types of Neps. These are –- Process Neps: Commonly produced by faulty carding or up to spinning yarn.
- Mixed Neps: Fibres tangle around a foreign materials. For instance – Grit.
- Immature Neps: Generally form by processing immature fibre.
- Homogeneous Dead Neps: A tangle of nearly all dead fibres.
- Fuzz Neps: A fault of short fuzz fibers.
Count of Neps
Nep count is the no. of neps per 100 square inches of card web forming ( a standerd hank of sliver of 12 NE on a 40 inch wide card).How To Measure the Count of Neps?
At first a web is collected from the card placed on a 10 inch × 10 inch black board. Then the neps are counted and the no. of neps found is corrected fro any difference in hank or card width.Mathematically, Nep Count, n = m × 100 [ m = no. of neps per inch square card web].
Jute Fiber Defects or Faults That We Must Know Before Jute Production
Like other natural fibers; jute fiber has some defects. In this post we will know about the different Jute Fiber defects and the causes or reasons that are behind the several Jute fiber faults.
Specky Jute:
If the Jute Fibers are not rotted and washed properly; the barks of jute adhere to the fibers and causes them speck. Speck in jute is a major defect which lowers the quality of Jute fibers.Rooty Jute:
This kind of Jute Defects occurs due to various reasons such as under retting of the root ends of Jute fibers and if the root portion is not completely under water during ratting.Croppy Jute:
If the top end of the fibers is rough, black and hard then stripping is insufficient which causes croppy jute.Knotty Jute:
This kind of knotty jute defects is caused by insect bite in the jute plants.Hunka:
This type of Jute is hard and barky caused by insufficient removal of hard bark from jute.Mossy Jute:
Mossy grows in stagnant of water. The mosses adhere to the Jute fibers causing Mossy Jute.Glossy Jute:
Highly lustrous jute fiber sometimes creates problems. This kind of highly lustrous jute fiber is named as Glossy Jute.Flabby Jute:
Hairy Jute fiber defects are created due to over retting and careless stripping of Jute.
Long hard and broken ribbon like fibers caused careless stripping and washing.Dazed Jute Fibers:
The Jute fibre which has lost it’s strength and luster due to over retting or excessive moisture in it.Heart Damage:
This kind of defects caused for badly damage rotten or tendered fibers.This all about the the Jute Fibre Defects or Faults and reasons.
Discussion about Knit Fabrics & Knitting Faults That We Must Have To Know
There are several knit fabrics that are used in Garment Manufacturing. These are –
1. Single Jersey.
2. Polo Pique.
3. Back Pique.
4. Normal Rib
5. Interlock.
6. Decorative Design.
2. Polo Pique.
3. Back Pique.
4. Normal Rib
5. Interlock.
6. Decorative Design.
Knitting Faults That We Have To Know About:
1. Barrre.
2. Press-off.
3. Miss-stitch.
4. Needle Mark.
5. Sinker Mark.
6. Oil Stain.
7. Crease Mark.
8. Holes.
9. Slubs.
10. Spirility.
11. Broken Needle.
12. Pin Hole.
13. Tight Course.
14. Missing Yarn.
15. Course Yarn.
16. Soiled Fly.
17. Etc.
2. Press-off.
3. Miss-stitch.
4. Needle Mark.
5. Sinker Mark.
6. Oil Stain.
7. Crease Mark.
8. Holes.
9. Slubs.
10. Spirility.
11. Broken Needle.
12. Pin Hole.
13. Tight Course.
14. Missing Yarn.
15. Course Yarn.
16. Soiled Fly.
17. Etc.
What Are The Causes of Bad Selvedges of Fabric During Weaving
The beauty of a fabric depends on the selvedge. There are a lot of reasons that’s why the selvedges becomes odd.
In this post I will tell you some of them fabric faults. Just scroll down and read:
- If lower strengths yarn exist in the selvedge and comparatively fewer yarn can cause a bad selvedge of a fabric.
- If stretches or looseness is applied on the picks yarn the bad selvedges is occurred.
- If the temple is not properly used during weaving.
- It is mandatory to pull the selvedge’s yarn through the Heald Eye and Heald shaft. If it does not complete carefully the selvedges will be poor.
- Loose or Tight selvedge yarn in the Beem.
- If the calendar is cut by the press roller.
- Bad beaming causes the bad selvedges of the fabric.
- Unparallel weaving shed causes the bad selvedges.
- The temple should be fit straight with the fell of the cloth. If no, the poor selvedge is must.
- If the pick yarn is entangled into the shuttle box the bed selvedges is occurred.
- Vibration of the reed.
- Bending weavers beam can cause the bad selvedges of the fabric.
You can avoid the above mentioned printed fabric faults if you take extra care on these. An experienced weaver can easily overcome the problems.
What Types of Defects Can Be Occurred On Fabric During Weaving
1. Broken Ends:
If a warp yarn is absent in the fabric for a very short or long distance and then this fabric defect is called broken ends.2. Broken Picks:
If a weft yarn is absent in the fabric for a very short or long width, and then this fabric defect is called broken picks.3. Floats:
It is a kind of defect where a warp or weft yarn floats over the fabric surface for a few centimeter lengths due to missing of interlacement of two series of yarns.4. Weft Curling:
The weft curling is caused by inserting highly twisted, weft yarn or weft running too freely, causes twisted of weft yarn and appear on the surface of fabric.5. Slugs:
When the weft yarn is unclean and contains slugs and its diameter s irregular, the defect appea4rin on the cloth is known as slugs.6. Stitching:
It is a major defect particularly in good quality cloth. It is a common fabric fault in which the ends and the picks are not interlaced according to correct order of the pattern.7. Irregular Pick Density:
If the pick density that is pick per inch varies due to mechanical fault then thick or thin place may be formed in the fabric.8. Hairy Cloth:
The fibres in the yarn have been roughened before, during or after weaving.Defects in Fabric
9. Holes:
If there is any small holes present in the fabric and then it is a major fabric defect.10. Oil Spot:
Oil Spot on the fabrics are caused by too much oiling on loom parts r from other sources. However, oil stains in most fabrics may be removed by scouring process.11. Starting Mark:
The fault known as “Starting Place” in cloth/fabric are caused as a result of stopping and starting a loom. The fault appears width way of the fabric. There are some other faults which are visible after dyeing. Few common faults of these categories are mentioned below.12. Shedding:
When a role of fabric is dyed, depth of shade of color may vary from one place to another place along the length of the fabric is known as shedding.13. White Spot:
If the grey fabric is made of cotton and in the cotton, polyester or other synthetic fibres is mixed to a negligible amount, after dyeing the polyester fibre remain white, showing white spot in the fabric.14. Running Stripe Shedding:
In the solid color dyed fabric sometime narrow stripe like color shedding affect is observed due to dyeing fault is known as running stripe shadding.15. Colored Spot on Fabric:
Due to knots, neps , slubs etc, present in the fabric, after dyeing, those places appears as a colored spot.This is all about Fabric Defects.
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